[Gllug] SNMP network management

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore.co.uk
Thu Sep 27 14:32:57 UTC 2001

Hall RJ wrote:

>Does anyone know of a good network monitoring piece of software like cheops
>but also capable of SNMP and a bit more stable? I want to be able to see and
>record service outages with the option for alarm events such as SMS mobile
>alerts and also recover traffic information from SNMP capable devices.   I
>gather that a piece of software called Mutiny will be released soon in
>software form for academic use with the option of an apliance alternative.
>I was wondering if there was any other alternatives.

You could also look at Scotty
I suppose when it receives SNMP traps it could run a script to SMS you.
I'm not sure what it does for polling servers.

Another thing you could look at is Netmon, from Paul Coates.
That's not a full-on NMS, more rather network mapping and discovery
It uses Perl scripts which do SNMP walks of the network switches or 
routers you specify.

Looking at Mutiny, (which I hadn't heard of before) it is being worked 
on by John Stumbles.
I have fooled about with the predecessor, Flittersnoop.

But I agree with Vince - have a look at OpenNMS.
And I'll repeat the post I made only yesterday!!!!

Over the last few months, I've been following the OpenNMS project,
and am on the mailing list.

I've had lots of scars from installing it in the past - taking days of
effort, and having to install umpteen things like JDKs and Tomcat.

I'm rather pleased to report that I just tried an install of the latest
version, on a Redhat 7.1 box, and it went like a dream.
I've now got an open source network management system, with a working 
web interface in about ten minutes!

Mind you, its not actually DOING anything at the moment, but
it looks like it will be possible to email alarms etc.

It is one of these network based installs - the command is:

lynx -source http://install.opennms.org/stable | sh

So those of you who are security paranoid should maybe avoid
this install method.
The instlall script installs lots of software packages -
like Postgres, Tomcat etc. etc. etc. so be prepared for that.
I'd really reccomend installing on a box which you use for tests,
probably a fresh Redhat install.

Oh, and due to licensing you need to install the IBM JDK
version 1.3.0-9.0 or above first

BTW, supported platforms for the auto install are Redhat and Mandrake.

Also reported to work on Debian, Slackware and Solaris.

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