[Gllug] Large files

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Fri Sep 21 15:41:32 UTC 2001

On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 03:44:15PM +0100, tet at accucard.com wrote:
> >You see, the backups (which are simply compressed dumps of the
> >filesystems) are impossible to play with:
> >
> >lewd:/backups1# ls -l *.bz2
> >ls: rude-2001-09-20-usr.bz2: Value too large for defined data type
> >ls: rude-2001-09-20-usrlocal.bz2: Value too large for defined data type
> >-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     34331715 Sep 20 21:10 lateral-2001-09-20-.bz
> >2
> >-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     11432062 Sep 20 21:05 rude-2001-09-20-.bz2
> >
> >I can't even bzcat them to make sure that they can be restored
> >fine. Anyone got any bright ideas about how to side-step this issue?
> >Another fs?
> Another filesystem won't help, as ext2 (assuming that's what you're
> using) already has support for large files. You'll need to ensure you
> have glibc-2.1.3 or higher (preferably glibc-2.2). You'll also need
> to have LFS-aware userland apps, e.g., ls and split.
> 	http://www.suse.de/~aj/linux_lfs.html

You were right --- I was using Debian stable, which doesn't have full
LFS support (though bits of it appear to be there) Thanks to the
wonder of work's Big Fat Pipe I've upgraded to the testing distro, and
voila! It all works. 

Thanks for the advice. Alain: it all went fine and was remarkably
painless (though I wouldn't have fancied doing an in place upgrade to
the core utils and glibc, to be honest)

For my next trick: LVM on the 2 80GB disks sitting on the
machine.... :) 



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coded it."
(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)

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