[Gllug] Random password generation

gllug at codex.net gllug at codex.net
Tue Sep 11 09:59:28 UTC 2001

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Gordon Joly wrote:

> >FWIR of using crack, it doesnt just go thru a dictionary of words, it
> >takes each word in turn and applies transpositions and substitutions.  so
> >letters get moved arround, upper and lower casing is applied, aswell as
> >swapping o's for 0's, i's for 1's etc etc.
> >
> >
> I often wondered about that.
> So, I might use "g0rd0" and feel safe? No... not at all.
> Best suggestion is to form a sentence and "inherit" a password?

my favourite used to be, taking a normal word, and uuencoding it.  of
course you cant easily remember the 'encoded' string, but derriving it is
a doddle.


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