[Gllug] Certification

Dean dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Fri Sep 14 14:12:55 UTC 2001

First of all I'd like to say that this isn't a call to have people argue
over if certs have any relevance at all in the real world. We did that some
months back (Harry's fault!) and got no where.

What I'm trying to find out is if anyone on list has done any of the Linux
based certs (Or even the more generic Unix ones to be honest) and what they
thought of them in terms of coverage and why they took the courses that
they did out of the available options.

The reason that I'm asking is that the company i work for is a Microsoft
Solution provider/partner etc and we've been told that all tech staff need
at least an MCP and an MCSE would be better. Despite the fact my job here
is to look after Linux and HPUX boxes... While they are looking at
things like this I'd like to throw something like SAIR or LPI certs at
them and watch their response. Only problem is i don't know anyone whos sat
any of these... And thats where GLLUG comes in ;)

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