[Gllug] Hiring servers - uk2.net

tet at accucard.com tet at accucard.com
Wed Sep 26 15:03:05 UTC 2001

>Do you not administer your own rack?

Depends what you mean. Colt supply the rack, we fill it with kit.

>I was talking more of datacentre security than your own personal (or
>corporate) measures.. you'd hope that even with a broken lock on
>your rack, no-one's going to be walking out with one of your servers
>without the contact for the rack sending PGP-signed mail or a fax[1]
>okaying it. Or so I'd hope, at least. :-)

You'd be wrong, for Colt at least -- are you listening, Harry? :-)
I've walked out with a 1U server under my arm on numerous occasions
and no one's batted an eyelid. In fact, most of the time, there's no
one on the front desk to be batting an eyelid in the first place. Of
course, the security is reasonably strict to be able to get into the
datacentre in the first place, but it's not insurmountable if you're
really determined. BTW, it's not just the locks on our racks that are
broken, it's the locks on *every* rack.


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