[Gllug] ADSL router recommendations?

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Apr 24 09:22:24 UTC 2002

Jonathan Harker(jharker at tridex.co.uk)@Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 10:10:36AM +0100:
> Hi folks,
> I know this has probably been asked a thousand times before, but my email 
> is rather fragmented at the moment between two machines.
> Basically at work we're looking at putting in ADSL from PlusNet. Do people 
> have recommendations for a good ADSL router in terms of security, 
> reliability, around the £100-200 mark, or are they all much the same?
> Thinking about the the Zyxel router recently recommended here. Reply off 
> list if you want to spare cluttering Gllug.

have you looked at:


i cant speak from experience, but i've got my eyes on one of them
amx-ca61e's.  but until dabs get a load more in stock i cant be bothered
to order one.

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