[Gllug] Can somebody have a quiet word with him

omphe omphe at keiko.demon.co.uk
Tue Aug 13 08:50:43 UTC 2002

John Hearns wrote:

> Say - how about reviving some of the ideas for a demo CD?
> I think that was tossed around on the system - something which will boot
> without touching
> the hard disk.
> Anyone know if it is possible to cram a reasonable desktop demo onto a
> diskless system?

Linux Format had a cover DVD a few months back that booted into a demo system.
Not sure about working apps, but I wouldn't think that would be a problem.
Imagine my surprise when I switched on my deck, forgot the DVD was in the drive,
and never looked for my GRUB screen (I was snuffling about for caffine at the
time). By the time I returned, Window Maker was sitting happily on my desktop (I
run Sawfish).

Anyway, distro is called Simply GnuStep and was featured on LinuxFormat 25
(March 2002).

Branden Faulls

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