[Gllug] Thoughts on RHCE

John Southern john at sinoda.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 12 16:23:22 UTC 2002

W had someone in the Manchester LUG stand up and give a brief talk about how 
he went and did the RHCE.
The talk proved to be one of the most controversial talks as almost to a man 
everyone said he was a traitor for taking the corporate shilling.

What he actually said was that he works as support and only with Red Hat. The 
company offered to pay for some training. He decided not to look a gift horse 
in the mouth and went and sat the exam. I think the cost is £480 plus VAT for 
that final day.
If you do the full course then it is four days training and one days exam for 
£1600 plus VAT.
They failed to sit the exam near where he was so he traveled to Guildford.
The exam is practical based so in that way it is better than the other types 
of exam. He said it was not particularly bias to Red Hat apart from the fact 
that they give you a broken computer and a RH box set and you have to fix it.

He got a registered number so potential employers can check to ensure he is 
genuine and a piece of paper with his name on it. Quality of paper 
certificate looed as thought it had been made in MS Paint.

Was it a good thing - well potentially if you need to impress that client or 
employer and that is the thing that makes you stand out then yes it would be. 
Are employers and clients gullible to think a piece of paper is better than 
experience - unfortunately yes.

If enough people do the RHCE it will become the standard that corporations 
want. The alternatives are LPI and Sair.


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