[Gllug] Silent Wings - Thermal emulation

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Aug 7 14:51:36 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: t.clarke [mailto:tim at seacon.co.uk]

> Thermals tend to be strong in the middle and weaker as you get towards
> the edge; so maybe creating a 'circle' with variable lift 
> from the centre
> outwards would not be quite so complex ?
> Then of course there is the fact the the wretched things drift.
> Be interesting to see if they could emulate a 'stubble fire' 
> (although sadly
> such things are now long gone in the UK !)

The glider club down in the Fareham area regularly used the thermals from
the large parade grounds in the Navy bases. I imagine a large airfield would
be superb for it.


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