[Gllug] Can somebody have a quiet word with him

John Hearns john.hearns at cern.ch
Mon Aug 12 21:10:29 UTC 2002

Jason Clifford wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Chris Bell wrote:
> >    I believe it is also important to be able to show people a working
> > system, rather than just describe how good it is.
> For this purpose I think it would be important to show an integrated setup
> - ie a whole office or whole school solution including all the elements
> you might want to see including file/print(with quotas, etc), email,
> scheduling, database, intranet, etc.
> By showing a whole integrated solution that is very easy to manage we
> would be demonstrating that Free Software works not just for isolated
> cases and requirements but for integrated systems which is far more
> important when trying to sell the idea.

We definitely need a respectable demo system.

For Linux Expo, for taking to schools, for promoting to MPs...

Its no use saying 'oh - but we can borrow one/I'll put one together/ here use
because in the real workd the demonstration effect takes oer and it never
works on time,
or there are fonts missing or.... you get the picture.

Big drawbacks are

a) finding a company or companies to donate the kit

b) who gets trusted to keep it

c) it will go out of date rapidly

These are of course enormous drawbacks - so my idea is a bit of a nonstarter.

We do hope to get a couple of demo office-style systems up for Linux Expo.

Say - how about reviving some of the ideas for a demo CD?
I think that was tossed around on the system - something which will boot
without touching
the hard disk.
Anyone know if it is possible to cram a reasonable desktop demo onto a
diskless system?
Problem would be the Net access - you can't cater for every network card,
and Winmodems would be a nightmare.

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