[Gllug] Newbie asks: how to learn?

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Sun Dec 22 07:15:08 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 10:19, Branden Faulls wrote:
> Read Neal Stephenson's "In the beginning was the command line". 

Upon reading this again, I'm not sure it's really *that* pro-Linux.  He
says everyone should at least try it and likens this to a holiday
abroad.  He seems quite pro-Tex and very pro-BeOS.

I do have the highest regard for him as an author and love his novels
and his holistic and deep analyses of conglomerations of ideas,
*however*, it's quite clear he doesn't fully get some of the technical
subtlties and makes some pretty bad conclusions from these
misunderstandings too, which is why I find the article as a whole a bit

The car dealership analogy is cool though, and often quoted/copied. :)

When using Unix, you are always on the verge of inventing some necessary
tool or utility when you realise that someone else has already invented
it, and built it in. -Neal Stephenson (paraphrased)

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