[Gllug] GNOME Disk Activity

Bilbo Baggins gllug at codex.net
Sat Dec 14 13:18:33 UTC 2002

Sudhir Anand(anand_sudhir at yahoo.co.uk)@Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 05:13:52PM -0000:
> >Fair enough.  But for future reference, replying to entire list and
> >quoting an entire email, just to add 'i agree' or 'me too' type
> >responses is often seen as bad form.
> I am not sure I understand.  Are you indicating that I should not have sent
> the message at all?

think signal:noise ratio's.
most people will get mildy irratated after a while, if you just reply to
postings, include the entire text, without suitable trimming.  only to
add an inane 'me too' type statement.

wasting bandwidth is a sure fire way to nark people.  as is this email,
which im writing.  no linux content.  sorry - everyone else.  i'me sure
i'm already in many procmail killfiles, for similair OT wanderings.

> >BTW, there's no need to unsubscribe, procmail is very good at removing
> >content from inbox's.
> As a matter of interest, how does one unsubscribe from this list?

as others have already mentioned it, i'm still going to reiterate it for
the benefit of anyone else.

Follow the link at the end of each and every email from this list.


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