[Gllug] netstat -pan --inet

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Fri Feb 8 13:17:59 UTC 2002

Jackson, Harry(HJackson at colt-telecom.com)@Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 10:49:07AM -0000:
> As I am using a dial up so I decided to use squid to see if performance
> would improve as I am most often on the same sites. I noticed a marked
> improvement in surfability after I installed squid and will always be using
> it in the future. Does junkbuster do caching?

no, thats what squid does.  ijb, does advert filtering, pretty good most
of the time.  

> www.grc.com and look for Shields Up. It does a scan on various ports on your
> PC and shows you the results. I noticed that my smtp port (25) was open last
> night when my firewall was flushed so I closed this and it found no open
> ports. I then run the firewall and it all came back as stealth so I was
> quite pleased with myself. I am still forwarding through my firewall which
> is unacceptable at the moment. I would like to get a proxy in place for all
> my services to avoid forwarding through the server but I think I am going to
> require this due to my OU stuff.

hmm, just tried that service.  and i know for a fat that it missed
things that are open on my box.  having looked at my logs, it appears to
only go for well known ports.  your probably better off asking a
friendly gllug'er to nmap you again.

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