[Gllug] tips and tricks...

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sat Feb 9 01:10:26 UTC 2002

On Fri, 08 Feb 2002, tet at accucard.com said:
>>Bingo, instant root prompt.
>>(Of course you need physical access for this so it is not a security
>>hole; someone with such access can already do anything.)
> You don't need physical access if you have serial console...

I'd like to see you whip the hard drive out over a serial link :)

--- oh, but you mean the init=blah. True, but I'm inlined to define
serial-console-access as equal to physical access (since a serial or
network cable only stretches so far and you have to *work* to
e.g. tunnel serial stuff over Ethernet so you can get it into a
packet-switched and hence more easily cracked-open form.)

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 that it uses less stable.' --- Bryan Parkoff being very comprehensible

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