[Gllug] netstat -pan --inet

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Feb 8 13:59:57 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent AE Scott [mailto:gllug at codex.net]
> hmm, just tried that service.  and i know for a fat that it missed
> things that are open on my box.  having looked at my logs, it 
> appears to
> only go for well known ports.  your probably better off asking a
> friendly gllug'er to nmap you again.

I originally asked Bruce to do it but I think I am annoying him too much
hence I decided to ask Gllug. If there was a friendly hacker on the list
they could port scan me and tell me what's happening. There are a lot of
scanning tools out there and I only know the theory as opposed to their
practical application against a site and I was hoping someone with more
experience would be able to catch a few ports I may have missed. So far
everything is pretty tight internet facing but I dread to think what score I
would get if it went for a local audit where they may look at it as being a
multiple user box, maybe a C2.


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