[Gllug] [OT] MySQL experts?

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com
Wed Feb 20 14:20:46 UTC 2002

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:52, Jackson, Harry wrote:

> > 
> Doing the following after
> mysql> SELECT * FROM USER;
> +-----------+------------------------+------------------------------+
> | Host      | User                 | Password                |
> +-----------+------------------------+------------------------------+
> | localhost | root                 | 703158de1de93c39  |
> | %          | user                  | 66dfb2963aff059b    |
> | localhost | COLT003600    | 703158de1de93c39  |
> | localhost | user                 | 54d7a9f910bc4366  |
> | localhost | hjackson          | 35cb0bd767c04fea  |
> | localhost | god                  | 5c1fb21a20d15f82   |
> +-----------+------------------------+------------------------------+
Thanks Harry - you have solved the problem.

SELECT Host, User, Password FROM user;

| Host              | User      | Password         |
| localhost         | root      | 375793302c0bf*** |
| eagle.admin.local | root      |                  |
| localhost         |           |                  |
| eagle.admin.local |           |                  |
| %                 | admin     | 675bd1463e544*** |
| %                 | superuser | 7e82afb618ffe*** |
| %                 | user      | 66dfb2963aff0*** |

(I'm taking no chances on anyone running crack on
these passwords!)

So there are a couple of rogue entries in there.
I have deleted them and things now work.
Harry, you are a star.

Stillc an't get my LANdb to work though, but that's
my problem.

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