[Gllug] [OT] Perl DBI question

Dean S Wilson dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Tue Feb 19 12:59:19 UTC 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank" <frank at fysh.org>

I smell Perl Mongers...

> 1) Has the problem been fixed? If not then _perhaps_ it is more
>    important to fix this.  Of course if you want to wrangle over
>    things you're on Void .. go play there.

[Off Topic ] Is (Void) still around? I thought it was going to implode
about six months ago.

>    a quick check would be to do "perldoc DBD::mysql"

perl -e 'use DBD::mysql;' will make sure that it loads ok, i've
started using that with DBI Drivers as the postgres one seems to be
broken on all the machines in work and this kicks up the fact that all
is not well even though its there (Problem is the pointers to
postgres.so are wrong...). Another reason why force install is a Bad

> 2) Most of the quote you've attributed to me is not mine. I see no
>    reference to the guy who first mentioned DBD. Why not reply to
>    original reply?

Its all Will's fault ;)

>    Most of my mail was warning against altering the code and
>    why the use of install_driver was valid. Perhaps it could be

To be honest if you can't just change the 'use DBD::Driver' line and
have it run then something is probably amiss in the code. DBI's
supposed to be an abstraction. Unless its transactions causing

John: Try using the DBI->trace(2, 'dbtrace.log') method if the
problems are from the database code. Set it to level two for enough
info to be useful without drowining.

DBI->trace(0); turns it off.

> 3) The majority of your post is summarising the first few paragraphs
>    "perldoc DBI"; are you practising being Martin Brown?

Thats just nasty ;)

> 4) You site Void in your sig-line and yet your mail didn't get sent
>    /dev/null - I've got to alter my procmail filter :(

With the amount of C discussed on this list that may be a bit harsh.


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