[Gllug] Linux or GNU/Linux?
Jackson, Harry
HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Mon Feb 18 14:49:22 UTC 2002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Brazier [mailto:pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk]
> So maybe "Linux" won't be permanent emough and "GNU" is a bit obscure.
> How about "GLFSUG" for the Greater London Free Software Users Group"?
> (don't take this too seriously).
> It would be interesing to see whether people use Linux mainly for
> political or technical reasons or somewhere inbetween. I was
> definitely
> moved to try it for political/ethical reasons and its
> technical ability
> is just a bonus.
I dont do anything for political reasons I torture people for pleasure.
> Arguably some of the BSD systems are better
> technically but I prefer the GNU definition of "Free".
Everyone take cover, helmets, flak jackets, weapons are being issued at the
normal points. No sitting on the fence, no prisoners, no mercy there will be
no surrender. Heavy weapons will be broke out from the anti grav vault
please wear appropriate webbing on entry, Plasma cannons are to be carried
with safety catches on. All spent fusion cartridges are to be properly
disposed off in the Black Hole intake. For all concerned the Geneva
convention does not apply. Anyone found not adhering to these rules will be
bitch slapped to within an inch of their snuff.
For the delicate that was a joke (No one is issuing weapons)
> Maybe eventually it will be straightforward to swap the
> kernels of your
> existing system as you feel like it.
> Has anyone tried out the Hurd kernel?
I managed to get the HURD running about a year ago on a redhat box but being
as skilled as I was then it lasted as long as a normal install did which was
about 4 days before reinstall.
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