[Gllug] Samba or Something?

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Fri Jan 4 11:21:35 UTC 2002

On 1/4/02, 10:46:57 AM, "Wulf Forrester-Barker" <wulf.f-b at uhl.nhs.uk> wrote 
regarding [Gllug] Samba or Something?:

> As you can see from the above, at the moment I'm using Windows to
> connect across to the machines. Therefore, I'm assuming that Samba might
> allow me some way to replicate this access from the Linux box. I'd be
> grateful for suggestions and pointers to further reading that might help
> - particularly things that are focused on this kind of 'look up a
> machine on the network and read some of its files' sort of access, as
> that will help me make a quick evaluation of whether it is worth
> pursing.

Samba can definitely do something of the kind.  The simplest way to do it 
is to set up shares that run a script each time they are opened.  The 
script would clear out the old contents, poll the data and stick it in 
files in the share before showing the contents to the windows client.  
The complex way would involve writing a Samba virtual filesystem - they 
do provide a skeleton you can build on.

The simple solution is very easy: you just need the preexec option

The script can do anything you like, anything your Linux box can do.



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