[Gllug] VIM comment stripping

tet at accucard.com tet at accucard.com
Fri Jan 4 14:01:52 UTC 2002

>How can I convert:
>>> >Some forwarded
>>> >message
>>Some forwarded message
>in VIM?

Many ways. Either a search and replace for the particular leading
string (which has the downside of needing to be individually tailored
to each message), or much easier is to use a visual block. Move to the
first character of the first line. Press ctrl-v, and then move to the
the end of the indent you want to delete on the last line on which it
appears. Press "x", and you're done...

>Can I do it with par perhaps?

I'll pretty much guarantee you can do it with par (the kitchen sink of
text formatters!), but I've never nad the need to find out how...


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