[Gllug] fuck.Fuck.FUCK!

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Tue Jan 8 18:12:30 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 04:14:52PM +0000, David Irvine wrote:
> A long time ago,  at least 5 years ago, i did mv * </n> instead of shift
> from  /bin and i think it was dead rat moved it all into lost+found for 
> me.  I don't know what annoyed me more, the fact i'd made such a silly
> type or the fact linux had a recycle bin :D
> It definatly doesnt do that any more though 

I'd say that your shell expanded the "mv *" to something with lost+found at
the end, i.e.

/home$ mv *

expands via shell expansion to:

/home$ mv jack john jill lost+found

and hence jack john and jill directories are moved to lost+found.

lost+found is only normally populated when doing an fsck.  It's not a
recycle bin. :)

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