[Gllug] Realtek

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Jan 31 10:32:18 UTC 2002

Hi all

After 3 months of a windows free environment I had the joy of reinstalling
NT last night. The little Realtek card that has been serving me faithfully
for these three months under red hat refuses to comply under NT. Its an
8019as and I have the drivers for it so it some bollocks in windows that is
not seeing the damned thing or interrupts blah blah.

This card is getting on and I am after a replacement. I also noticed that I
have got a full duplex port on the switch so I am after a card that can cope
with this 200Mb. I would really like a 1Gb card but the cheapest switch I
seen was $900 so I will have to wait for another year. Does anyone have any
recommendations on cards that run on Linux and Windows.

I would love to take a Gb switch to an installfest with a full u160 striped
array in a server. Do not know what I would use it for but it would be nice.

Harry Jackson.


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