[Gllug] Geforce2

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Jan 23 12:21:53 UTC 2002

David Damerell(damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk)@Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 11:48:04AM +0000:
> On Tuesday, 22 Jan 2002, Vincent AE Scott wrote:
> >Mike Brodbelt(mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk):
> >>P.S. If anyone hadn't guessed, nVidia are a pet hate of mine. If using
> >>binary only software to gain better hardware support was an acceptable
> >>compromise, I'd be running Windows. IMO, nVidia's "support" does the
> >>linux community no favours whatsoever.
> >But, without the closed source drivers there would be no attempt at a
> >gamers linux OS.
> If RMS had been willing to use proprietary software for temporary
> gain, there'd be no GNU/Linux OS at all. It's just as defective a
> strategy now as it was then.
> >nVidia are 3D GFX now.  no if's buts or maybes.
> ATI's Radeon isn't much behind; and they'll make more money if people
> buy their cards and not Nvidia's; also sending a valuable message to
> Nvidia.

For the time being at least, nVidia is the market leader.  3DFX had it,
and they lost it.  undoubteldy nVidia will eventually loose it aswell.
But each year there seems to be less and less choice in the GFX card
business.  IMHO, Matrox are going to be next to vanish.  Who knows, NV
may actually achieve total dominance in the market place, and become the
MS of 3D.

Come on tho, do you honestly think that the minority linux users out
there, who actually use their consumer power and vote with there wallets
will even appear in the FD's reports at nVidia?  There's just too many
people out there runing wintel systems who want very fast 3D.  NV has
it, and the few open source people out in the real world arent going to
make the slightest difference.

I dont want to sound so down on the free world, but i'm being honest.
For all the talks i've seen RMS and ESR give, for all the people that
belive the GPL will save the world, i wish it was true.  but i'm a
realist, closed source works for the masses.  When you have long
enough of a head start over a competitor it's incredibly difficult to
overthrow the goliath.  Then again, most people think replacing the
political systems in the western world is a pipe dream, but some try.

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