[Gllug] Geforce2

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Jan 23 14:06:48 UTC 2002

Ivan Shiel(ivan.shiel at scope.org.uk)@Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 01:50:47PM -0000:
> > last time i went into a voting booth, i didnt recall
> > seeing a 'none of the above' option.
> Funny you should say this but I was speculating the other day about setting
> up a None-of-the-Above party which people could vote for to register their
> dissatisfaction.  With an associated website, people could put themselves
> forward as 'candidates', raise a deposit and other folk could find out who
> their local NOTA candidate was.  Obviously the party would have no
> manifesto, it would merely exist to point out the lack of choice at present
> I may do it yet....

do it!  i'd vote for it, hell i might even be arsed enough to stand as a
rep for it.

they have a similar system is Oz from what my antipodean associates

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 You expect me to talk, Goldfinger?
 No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.

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