OT: aptoholic (was Re: [Gllug] apt-rpm for Red Hat 7.2)

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Thu Jan 24 15:34:34 UTC 2002

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 02:34:45PM -0000, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bruce Richardson [mailto:itsbruce at uklinux.net]

<snip "Harry's done this lots">

"Hi, my name is Harry. I'm an aptoholic.
> I have not reinstalled for more than six days.

It all started so innocently. A fluffed install here, a small upgrade
there, that kind of thing, but never very much. RPM was my package
tool back then, and it was always a pain an inplace upgrade. And then
someone showed me apt on Debian. I've been abusing the mirrors for
months now. I just couldn't help myself....

It was only when I started posting knowledgeable answers to the GLLUG
list that I realised that things had got out of hand.

etc. etc. etc.

Simon "out of context quoting" Stewart

So what if I have a fertile brain?  Fertilizer happens.
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