[Gllug] OT - NTL issues and ADSL providers
Jackson, Harry
HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Mon Jan 21 10:06:46 UTC 2002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dylan [mailto:dylan at exoletus.fsnet.co.uk]
> On Thursday 17 January 2002 8:22 am, you wrote:
> > On Wed 16 Jan, Dylan Brewis wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > >
> > > After several months of enquiries, I have finally managed
> to get some
> > > definitive information about cablemodem Broadband service from
> > > NTL/Telewest in my area (Deptford.)
> > Local authorities are under pressure to restrict
> roadworks by preventing
> > anyone digging up a road during a set period from the
> previous roadworks
> > except for genuine emergencies. This can obviously cause
> problems if new ducting has to be installed.
> Yes, I know, but I'm really concerned on principal here, and
> why can't a new fibre optic be thread down an old pipe?
There is absolutely no reason why they cannot thread another one unless
there is no room (for those interested cables are blown down ducts using
air). I think the standard today at least with colt is to lay more than one
cable (144 fibres) so I doubt they have run out of Bandwidth if they have
done this. Even if they did not lay this many I doubt if they only laid a
couple. If they have laid one cable I would say that they have also laid
enough duct to run a couple more as this is standard practice. Maybe they
are just providing the standard reply for lack of service (blame someone
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