[Gllug] This is terrible
Jackson, Harry
HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Jan 25 10:17:49 UTC 2002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Formi [mailto:formi at blueyonder.co.uk]
> Maybe is that the reason why I got flamed and abused for
> writing about Sep 11, one or two days after.
> What amused me is the people who actually were quite abusive towards
> me, didn't have the guts to do it in the list,
Please see below for the reply I sent to your email. I will no doubt get
flamed for it but I was replying to your opinion that "some people think
they got what they deserved" which gave me (my opinion) the impression that
you where one of these people. This is the reason I wanted it off the list.
I replied off list as it was personal to me and me alone and my thinking
that you agree with what happened was not going to help relations between
you or me if ever we meet. I tried to be as polite as I possible and over
the months that I have been on the list have tried to remain so but of all
the mails I have read on this list that one made me quite angry which was no
doubt your aim.
You have successfully resurrected that opinion on this list for which I say
"clever boy".
> Back then "politics" didn't seem to be appropriate in this list.
> I have read most of the postings and for me is highly difficult not
> to join, but I feel most people I don't like the opinions of are not
> interested in hearing arguments against their opinions ...
Plenty of people have mentioned the haphazard fscked up policy of America
and had reasonable well written replies to which I would have been proud to
have put my name but I am not aware of anyone saying implying they deserved
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jackson, Harry
> Sent: 12 September 2001 11:19
> To: 'Formi'
> Subject: RE: [Gllug] OT: Lets bomb some islamic extremists. (fwd)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Formi [mailto:rcarrera at formi.org.uk]
> >
> > Lets praise mighty $ God.
> Please see "Some Advice" email I posted yesterday.
> >
> > The US has been doing lots of wrongs in the name of the $,
> > and the US is the most powerful country on earth, now some
> > people might be thinking they are receiving something back.
> Please keep opinions like this off the list. This is not a
> political list for which I am thankful. We are all aware of
> the wrongs of various countries Blah Blah we have done our
> own research to coin a phrase.
I am still thankful this is not a political list although debates do take
> >
> > I mean
> >
> > - the atomic bombs dropped in Japan,
> > - the war with Vietnam,
> > - the Iraq affair,
> > - the messing around with the old USSR,
> > - the financing of dictators in Latin America,
> > - the slightly questionable backing of Israel against the
> Palestine's,
> > - the CIA backing afghans with intelligence and arms
> against Russia,
> > - the exploitation by multinationals of children in third world
> > countries, and their parents,
> > - the oppression of Cuba,
> > - the destruction of green places around the planet for oil and
> > wood, minerals and anything that can be sold.
> > - the killing of large numbers of north American natives,
> > - the no small amount of unnecessary pollution,
> > - the bullying of small countries, like the crashing of
> > banana producing
> > countries in Latin America,
> > - the disrespect for poor people anywhere, even if you are an US
> > citizen, if you have no money you get no medical treatment.
> > - the investigation in chemical warfare,
> > - the allowing multinationals to behave in morally
> > questionable ways,
> > - the selling of arms to anybody with a couple of $$,
> > - the spying of everything that happens, Echelon, i.e.
> >
> > ... I have the feeling that I am missing something.
> Yes you are, we all know you are but we do not need to read
> about it. Some of your points and opinions seem to be aimed
> at raising a few hairs and no doubt you will. This kind of
> email addresses a very sensitive issue and in my and I am
> sure a few others should never have been sent.
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