[Gllug] CPU heatsink question.

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Tue Jan 15 17:21:59 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Hearns [mailto:john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com]
> A bit unrelated, but there was a thread on the Scottish LUG on 
> the use of WD40.
> Someone said that he had a noisy case cooling fan,
> and was advised to try a squirt of WD40. Someone else came
> back and said that WD40 had ruined his motherboard.
> Reason given was that it is conductive - I'm not sure.
> Do you know, Harry?
> By the way, I think the real fix is to use a small drop of 
> light mineral
> oil, NOT WD40.

I do not think that it is conductive. I was taught the following, use it
for, displacing moisture, remove grease and penetrate rust or loosen bolts
etc in Northern speak. It also leaves a coating over the surface to preserve
the item but this is not good for electrical contacts as they no longer make
a decent short. I imagine what happened is that the stuff either removed
what grease he had left in his fan or is coating some of the electrical
connectors on his board. I am pretty sure that it is not conductive or we
would not be spraying it all around a running car engine.


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