lUser Unsub methods - RE: [Gllug] Unsubscribe

Jon Masters jonathan at
Sat Jan 12 16:13:41 UTC 2002

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Darran D. Rimron-Molloy wrote:

> Why would I pull a list of (local) users from a password file to send mail
> to... consideringa I am about to wipe the machine clean :)

In case you landed on a mail server, gateway or somesuch. Otherwise the
password file is good for sending to l33t-warez-account at for
later cracking and then when they re-install the machines with exactly the
same passwords used before (typical) you can do it all over again.

> I have been VERY tempted for a long time to try and write a Linux installer
> that runs from a webpage. Visit and let it do the rest
> :) Hmmm, but I have about a million "I wanna do a BLAH" projects, and about,
> oh, no free time.... :)

I have a todo list that ends with "Fly to the moon in a spaceship".


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