[Gllug] OT - NTL issues and ADSL providers

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Mon Jan 21 14:41:37 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: itsbruce at uklinux.net [mailto:itsbruce at uklinux.net]
> It may well have been "liberated" but it's not up to the task.
> Replacing it will essentially involve tying new cable to the 
> end of old cable and pulling, carefully.

What distance are the two holes apart and how much clearance is there in the
holes. I am just being nosey because if there is enough clearance and room
you could probably pull it through yourselves. You can check the strain that
a cable will take on some websites and if the cable is not affected by
grease you could use this to reduce the strain. Most cables now days are
very tough items. 

I know it is a cheapskates way to do it but with enough planning you could
make a nice little job of it. You could also add it to your CV (This has
nothing to do with CVS for any lurking agencies) "Sys Admin and Fibre optic
cable fitter extraordinary". You would of course still require someone to do
a decent job of splicing the thing and I think its quite expensive if it's


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