[Gllug] QMail

dave at applicado.com dave at applicado.com
Fri Jul 12 23:34:45 UTC 2002

On 12 Jul 2002, James Bailey wrote:

> Something has gone very wrong with either my QMail config for DNS as my
> box is no longer accepting mail for any of the domains it hosts. The dns
> still works. i.e. nslookup <domainname> from work still comes back with
> the correct IP address.
> When sending a mail to one fo the valid recipients I get :-
> ... while talking to mail.foobar.com.:
> >>> RCPT To:<baileyj at foobar.com>
> <<< 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts(#5.7.1)
> 550 5.1.1 <baileyj at foobar.com>... User unknown
> I belive that user baileyj exists as I created him user qmail web admin
> frontend.

Did this just stop working out of the blue? I find 4 out of 5 times when 
a thing stops working for no reason then its because of something out of
my control - but maybe I just like to pass the buck a bit too much ;o)

It doesn't hurt to double check a few settings anyhow:
I don't know about a qmail web admin front end, I like to edit the files
directly. As long as the file /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts contains the
then it really should accept mail for that domain - looks like it isnt at 
the moment. after that you should either have the line 'foobar.com' inside
/var/qmail/control/locals in which case baileyj should refer to a system
account (or an alias in /var/qmail/alias) or inside 
/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains in which case it gets a little more
tricky (and is probably the case if you are hosting multiple domains
Of course /var/qmail could be different on your machine

Hope it helps

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