[Gllug] Argos site

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Wed Jul 31 11:07:30 UTC 2002

On Wed 31 Jul, Jackson, Harry made the following spurious claims:

> I wonder will anyone ever take these companies to court for discriminating
> against the poor. It seems like a reasonable case to me. Here we have 10000
> plaintiffs taking these 400 companies to court for discrimination against
> their ability to afford licensing costs for software. 

A blind man in Sydney sued IBM (a founding member of the "Bobby" web
accessibility initiative, no less!) and SOCOG for him not being able
to use the Sydney Olympics site.  It was an insanely complicated site
and they ended up spending millions fixing it.

> If you are poor you cannot access this site which is what companies want but
> it is also quite an awful thing to inadvertently tell someone.

For Argos you would think that business sense would see that.  After
all, the wealthy aren't their core market.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
Send email with subject "send key pub" for public key.

Why sir, there is every possibility that you will soon be
able to tax it! 

- Michael Faraday 1791-1867: to Gladstone, when asked about
the usefulness of electricity
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