[Gllug] windows and linux client server

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Mon Jun 24 15:08:20 UTC 2002

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, avner zrihen wrote:

> I am trying to start a client server project to incorporate linux ( the
> server )  and windows ( the clients) via tcp/ip
> I was wondering if any body knows if it is possible to create a program in
> c++ on linux that would listen on certain ports for the windows clients and
> they would communicate between themselves. the client software will be
> written in Visual Basic or Visual C++
> My query is basically if linux and windows can communicate together with
> tcp/ip without any problem

Of course they can.

There is nothing hard about this. It's very basic networking and the whole 
point is that the IP layer (and the protocol ones like TCP) is totally 
independant of any particular platform considerations.

IP and TCP are both standards and enjoy as much of a "standard" 
implementation on Windows any any other protocol does there. On Linux the 
standard is fairly well adhered to. 

Jason Clifford
UKPOST.COM		get your @uklinux.net address now...

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