[Gllug] Looking to buy a new motherboard and processor at Tottenham Court Road.....

Jonathan Harker jon at jonathanharker.co.uk
Fri Jun 21 11:13:29 UTC 2002

21/06/2002 12:00:39 pm, Thom May <thom at positive-
internet.com> wrote:

>* Colin Murphy (SpudULike at blueyonder.co.uk) wrote :
> .....and I plan to spend something like £80 - £120.
> Are there any motherboards that the Linux user should stay 
> well clear of for a quiet life?

I have a soft spot for Asus mbs as they are solid and 
reliable. A7V series good with Athlon, not kept pace with 
Intel socket mbs. Best to stay away from mbs with built in 
doodads like sound, modems, etc. Brother Steve has had weird 
issues with ATA-100 too. (?)

luv Jon

"I like more than half of you half as much as I would like, 
and I like less than half of you half as much as you 
   - Bilbo Baggins in the film

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