[Gllug] leafnode and user news

john gennard joney at clara.co.uk
Thu Jun 13 08:24:21 UTC 2002

I run Debian Potato on a single user boxand wish to use leafnode 
( the connection is dialup, but I now have access to a lot more time 
on line ).

Leafnode should be run as root or news ( which effectively means as 
news ), and here I come up against something I've never understood.
Documentation does not say what kind of user news should be.
I already have news UID 9, but don't see how I can use this.

Would someone help me by giving information on the following:-

a. How exactly do I create the user needed ( an actual commandline
    example would be appreciated )
b. How do I get access to that user.
c. Leafnode is effectively three programs - leafnode, fetchnews and  
   texpire. Would the first acton be to run 'leafnode LIST' or do I 
   use 'fetchnews'.

Trying to get to grips with this problem, I installed knode so that 
I could see what configuration it did. I could not get get the group 
descriptions to even start. After downloading 3.36Mb, the program 
cut out with an error message '501 - bad command usage' -this it did
on each of three attempts. As I had followed the GUI requirements I 
did not understand this.

As asides does anyone know if a GUI for leafnode has yet been 
written and is there any preferred reader for use with leafnode.

I shall be grateful for assistance.



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