[Gllug] Heh.. Cool...

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Tue Jun 25 08:27:22 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Bailey [mailto:jim at freesolutions.net]
> 2) I am learning or trying to learn as much about SMTP, IMAP and
> anything else I can about mail and postfix, courier, and procmail in
> particular. I guess doing it by hand help me to work out what is going
> on.

I was able to get procmail running so its pretty simple stuff.

> 3) As I stated I have lots of pent up aggression and sending emails to
> abuse at example.com makes me feel better.

The reason I have never bothered is because I never thought that there was
anyone out there doing anything about it. I have seen a few websites against
spam but nothing saying that we have imprisoned, murdered, hung or tortured
any or that some have received large fines and had their testicles chopped
off, at least not in any quantities to have any affect. If you where to pick
up an am radio tomorrow and go blasting around the airwaves you would
receive a hefty fine in no short order. This is because all the amateur
radio buffs consider themselves the "police of the airwaves". It's on a
different scale, I know. I suppose its another example of the internet being
a victim of its own success.


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