[Gllug] apache / ssh problems anyone?

Mark Lowes hamster at korenwolf.net
Thu Jun 27 12:54:15 UTC 2002

On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 13:51, Thom May wrote:
> * Mark Lowes (hamster at korenwolf.net) wrote :
> > The list server and software is fine... looks like people aren't talking
> > but are probably busy patching ssh, apache, apache-ssl, and wondering
> > when the next one is going to drop.
> Actually, I think most people are busy hiring assassination teams to go
> after Theo De Raadt.

Entirely possible :)  Time wasted by this advisory, about a day, just
what really needed.

The Flying Hamster <hamster at korenwolf.net>     
" when choosing between two evils.
I try the one I haven't done before " -- Mae West
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