[Gllug] Cheap UPS?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Fri Mar 22 10:06:33 UTC 2002

I know "cheap" and "disaster hardware" aren't generally terms that do
or should go together...  However, having been through the APC
"product selector", I think its suggestion is somewhat overpowered for
what I want...

I have an Athlon with four hard drives, 350W power supply.  I want a
UPS that detect a power outage and has enough battery juice to power
down cleanly.  That's it.  I don't mind if my monitor gives out.  Hell
I don't even really care if my (soon to purchase) ADSL goes down,
though if there is any spare juice and time it would be nice if it
could fire off a text message notifying me (quick piece of Perl to do

Would the ones listed by rlsupplies that a reasonably priced (65 quid
for 500VA sounds good) have enough juice to power down cleanly?  What
does "Line Interactive" mean?

Back home in Oz there is a local company that makes excellent, very
reasonably priced UPSs.  I don't know the market here, so does anyone
have any suggestions?

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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proudest achievement in adulthood was to be elected
president of the Queenbeyan and District Funeral Home
Directors' Associate--then halve his personality and
halve it again, and you have pretty well got John Howard.

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