[Gllug] Perl Objects

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Mar 15 11:52:24 UTC 2002

Hi all

Having played with Perl a while now I hate the shell ;-). Only Joking.

I have been doing some rummaging around inside Oracle using Perl and have
found that it is quicker to write a script in Perl to produce reports than
it is in SQL at least in my case. What I would like to do is have a set of
scripts which can be called from another script and depending on the
parameters passed they will create files of data by running some SQL against
the database. These files can then be butchered by me to create the reports.
I am trying to make it so that I can write scripts similar to the following

I am not completely sure as to the best way to do something like this but I
do need a shove into which area of Perl is built for this kind of work. I do
not need an example as I find Perl quite easy to pick up (at least so far).
Is Objects the way to go or is it better to create scripts that carry out
the tasks. I have attached a subset of one of the scripts that I have been
playing with. Excuse the indentation and the way that I have written it.
This script will carry out a task for one database and by pasting the script
into another or to the bottom of itself and changing a few parameters in it
it will run through another database and produce the results but this seems
like a very long winded way to do things. Can you represent tables as
Objects and select only that which you want to work on into a file. I
imagine that some clever bunny has already done this in some module.

Any constructive uncomplicated easy to understand simple comments on the
script will be appreciated which probably means none ;-). 

Harry Jackson.


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