[Gllug] (no subject)

William Palfreman william at palfreman.com
Sat Mar 2 02:04:40 UTC 2002

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Claire Lamb wrote:

> help - i need to find somebody who has the following :
> experience in bashscripting;apache; nfs ntp ssh ip table/chains big
> brother monitoring, perl and is a command line junkie - any ideas or
> know of anyone looking for a sys admin role?

That isn't Cho/Two/Jean Lam who I used to work with is it?  If it is
(how are Justine & Matt?) you shouldn't post messages like that to this
list - you will only annoy people.  Recruitment consultants are not
allowed to advertise directly on the list.

Are you actually placing UNIX people at the moment then, or are things
still pretty dry?


W. Palfreman. 		http://www.palfreman.com/william/
Tel: 0771 355 0354	PGP ftp://ftp.palfreman.com/pub/wfpkey.asc

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