[Gllug] Changing case on filenames

Rob Andrews rob at impure.org.uk
Tue Mar 5 09:58:38 UTC 2002

[05-Mar-2002 00:47.41 (GMT) / Mike Brodbelt]
 > > My suspicion tells me that won't work, since $ will be quoted directly due
 > > to the single quotes.
 > Your suspicions are unfounded :-). It works, exactly as above, in bash:-

I've just fallen into the stupidest trap and believed my eyes when I looked
at a tiny X font in a terminal, in which the quotes are indistinguishable.

My humble apologies :)

nine      <e> rob at impure.org.uk <pgp> 0x8bb5c71e <w> http://impure.org.uk/

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