[Gllug] giFT: Kazaa/Morpheus replacement

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Mar 27 20:31:31 UTC 2002

Rev Simon Rumble(simon at rumble.net)@Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 07:17:47PM +0000:
> > One minor problem with running a node is it will use up all your bandwidth
> > as people start downloading from you. In order to mitigate this I've found
> > linux' tc QOS is a pretty good solution see
> Ahhh, I was thinking of doing something like that to stop my ssh
> sessions running like pigs.  Also it would be nice if incoming mail
> was unaffected.

from the little i know about setting up QoS it's geared towards shaping
traffic that you send out.  it's not quite as good at doing 'random'
packets that arrive to you from somewhere you have no control over.
have a look at the ingress Qdisc ( nothing todo with the database )

if i understand it all correctly, it's upto how your ISP buffer's
packets on their routers, before they are ultimately sent to you.

have a look at http://www.lartc.org for info on setting up traffic

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