[Gllug] Tomorrow's World

George Saxby George.Saxby at racc.ac.uk
Thu Mar 14 14:52:13 UTC 2002

       I caught the tail end of the presentation and wondered if you
were the group that Andrew came to see early this year in north london
that were developing a Land mine removal robot. Good to see you getting
the exposure.

George F. Saxby
    Systems Engineer
       I.T.S. Team

>>> rw at shadow.org.uk 03/14/02 02:34pm >>>

If anyone saw Tomorrow's World last night, you might have seen our
robot hand on it. Relevance: it currently runs off a P2-266 with
RTAI-24.1.8 running under Linux 2.4.18 on debian. We use a custom
parallel port <> CANbus interface to talk to the hardware. 

We also had an Immersion Cyberglove, but they didn't use that bit.
The cyberglove has a serial port interface: you send it "g" and it
returns 18 values as ascii text. We used a pair of shell scripts to
dump that into a file on one machine, and read it out of the file on
the other... NFS: sorts out teleoperation :>

The guy with the Aibo seemed to be running it under Windows. No
surprises there. K-9 and Skeletor, on the other hand, were standard
radio control rigs. 

hope this is of interest


Rich Walker: rw at shadow.org.uk (Shadow Robot Project)
http://www.shadow.org.uk        251 Liverpool Road
+44(0)171 700 2487                London  N1 1LX
"Sometimes after an electrical storm I see in 5 dimensions"
  -- Cornfed Pig,  Duckman.

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