[Gllug] Screen I just have to share

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Thu May 16 11:39:10 UTC 2002

Mark Lowes(hamster at korenwolf.net)@Thu, May 16, 2002 at 12:03:53PM +0100:
> On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 09:27, tet at accucard.com wrote:
> > While I agree with your sentiments about screen 100%, I'm somewhat bemused
> > by your experiences with ADSL. Mine has been pretty rock solid since I got
> > it. I've had 3 failures in a year or so, and they've all been caused by my
> > Alcatel router getting confused. A simple power cycle, and everything's
> > back to normal...
> Let's see, had a 64k LL for 3+ years, never went down for any reason
> other than me breaking it myself in some manner (reconfiguring routers,
> rebooting head end kit etc etc).
> ADSL, we're floating at > 48h downtime since it was installed a month or
> so ago.  

its the old addage of 'you get what you pay for'.  as long as you can
offset the 'cost' of downtime against the savings over a LL then its not
really a problem.

something tells me, that it'd be in the interest of large providers to
offer an inferior service on *dsl.  to help protect their more lucrative
and expensive services.  so no change there then, history is once again
repeating itself.

looking forward tho, i'd expect the QoS of *dsl to improve.  once a
technology reaches the mass market enough people will come to accept it
as a guaranteed service.  one thats always available.  think about how
no one these days expects to have an unreliable telephone.  but 10 years
ago calling international was hit and miss sometimes.

expectations change, and with that so will the service offered.  i just
wish it was sooner rather than later.


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