[OT] Jim's signatures (was: Re: [Gllug] Gllug Changing)

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Fri May 17 14:06:03 UTC 2002

Bruce Richardson(itsbruce at uklinux.net)@Fri, May 17, 2002 at 01:55:57PM +0000:
> On 17/05/02, 13:03:16, Allen Baranov <allen at isa.co.za> wrote regarding Re: 
> [OT] Jim's signatures (was: Re: [Gllug] Gllug Changing):
> > Hi,
> > kmail is loverly. Just check "output of program" for your mail and 
> voila... I
> > just run fortune and specify the fortune file I want. No need to reinvent 
> the
> > wheel.
> It's hardly the only program which can do this.  On the other hand, some 
> programs can only read from signature files and they almost all default 
> to using ~/.signature, so my fifo .signature works for all of them.  If 
> you have a more elegant wheel, you're welcome to share it.

doesnt that mean you need another process sitting on the other end of
the fifo to generate the content?  i used to employ such a system, but
found it too much of an inconvenience.

having switched over to using mutt, i just have:
 set    signature=~/.mutt/randsig.pl|
somewhere, which is IMHO the nicest solution i've come across.

dont you use mutt sometimes bruce instead of staroffice?

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