[Gllug] BB4::excel

Jim Bailey jim at lateral.net
Mon May 27 17:03:15 UTC 2002

On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 03:52:21PM +0100, Chris Ball wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Bailey <jim at lateral.net> writes:
>     Jim> Hi, I have been asked to get data from BB4 logs to display in
>     Jim> MS apps. or if I get my way .png graphs that can be dropped
>     Jim> into any office productivity suite they choose.  Does anyone
>     Jim> know of any perl modules or similar that would allow me to do
>     Jim> this or is it something I am going to have to build from
>     Jim> scratch?
> Spreadsheet::WriteExcel on the CPAN will create an Excel sheet; if you
> can get the data into a Perl data structure, it should be trivial.
Thanks for all the advice I am going to try and get the
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module to generate .xls files.

I hearby give an advanced, advanced muppetry warning that I am about to
attempt this and expect to post idiotic mewlings for help as ambition
and ability collide in a spectacle of caffine induced psychosis.

Prime your kill files you have been warned! ;)

Peace Jim

"Any one can learn from their mistakes, the clever learn from other
peoples mistakes."

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