[:BLIP:]Re: [Gllug] Reiserfs gotchas?

Jim Bailey jim at lateral.net
Thu May 9 22:20:42 UTC 2002

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 02:34:12PM +0100, Stephen Harker wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 13:54, David Damerell wrote:
> > On Thursday, 9 May 2002, Jim Bailey wrote:
> > >I thought that bzImage used the Burrows-Wheeler compression algorithm
> > >and Huffman coding similar to the bzip2 utility.  Spot who has been
> > >reading the man page. ;-) 

The man page I had been reading was the bzip2 man page hence the quote
about Burrows, Wheeler and Huffman, this was not to show off any
knowledge that I thought I might have, I simply quoted the man page's
comments about algorithms as it struck me as frivolous detail after the rather
terse man pages I am used to.

> > Not you, clearly, since there's no relationship between bzImage and
> > bzip/bzip2.

Thank you for putting me right as you can see from the wording of my
original post " I thought" they were connected.  I think a lot about
Linux, UNIX, computers and a whole lot of other things completely
unrelated.  Most of my knowledge is flawed but I would rather appear
stupid by asking a stupid question than being stupid and doing something
wrong.  This is not the first time I have got something wrong on list
and it won't be the last.  I rely on people like you David to put me

One thing I do know however is that I am not an *nix expert, one day I
will be until then and even after, I will continue to ask stupid
questions, reveal my ignorance and learn as much as I can from other more
knowledgable folk on the list.  If this causes you pain and anger may I
suggest you find a moderated list where people like myself are banned or
alternatively filter my posts to /dev/null.

> Your snide, condescending comments are not particularly helpful or
> necessary Mr Damerell. Care to say something constructive?

Don't get upset I used to be the same about David's posting comming
from the rough end of the building trade where someone smacked you about
the side of the head with a muck shovel if you p****d them off, I have
come to realise that it isn't a problem.

Peace Jim

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