[Gllug] Hardware help needed

Alain Williams addw at phcomp.co.uk
Sat Nov 23 23:31:10 UTC 2002


I have just put a new box together, I thought that I would get all the bits
& see what I could manage... well it doesn't work. Because it is a system that
has never worked before I can't be sure if it is something that I have done
wrong or a bad bit of hardware.

Any advice from a hardware guru would be gratefully received, I live in Watford
& would be happy to bring it round one evening.

AMD Athlon 2100XP, 512Mb DDR Ram, Epox 8KHA+ mother board, Nvidia TI4200 Ultra650 video card.
+ the usual CD, disk, floppies, etc.

When I power up the POST code is FF (which the manual says = Boot attempt (INT(10h)), it
gets there immediately, no other code shows, the disk/floppy don't spin up or seek,
the monitor says 'No signal'. I can't get to BIOS setup.

A minimalist FAQ in the mother board manual for this POST code says:
	problem					solution
	1. BIOS chip replace inverse		make sure bios chip replace appropriate
	2. Update wrong BIOS
	3. Mainboard problem			make sure all hardware device insert appropriate
	4. ADD-ON card insert inapropriate	Swap mainboard

The one that worries me is (3).

I changed video card, no difference.

Can any one offer some suggestions -- please.

Alain Williams

#include <std_disclaimer.h>

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