[Gllug] distro debate

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Fri Nov 15 12:49:59 UTC 2002

SteveC wrote:

> * Jason Clifford (jason at ukpost.com) wrote:
> >On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, SteveC wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I was thinking mandrake, or one of these next gen distros
> >>like lindows or something. Basically all he does is write
> >>essays and play mp3s/avis/mpegs and the box isn't on the
> >>net in any way. But I don't get to play with distros much
> >>so i'm looking for opinions on complete newbie distros...
> >>Running stuff under wine probably isn't too important, but
> >>nice.
> >
> >What does he actually *want* from the box? You've said what you think he
> >does with it currently but the two may not be the same thing.
> sure.. i dunno take the two as equal.
> i was hoping for some first hand experience with lycoris and lindows and
> stuff but nobody responded :-(

For whatever anyone says about RH8 I think in the main it is good to 
have the integration that it does.  Most file extensions are associated 
with the correct app and the icons all generally appear to have been 
created for the same theme.

That being said it really does need some tweaking and net access to make 
it happy.

I would install apt from fresh rpms, then the following:
synaptic, totem, mplayer, mp3 codecs, dvdread, libcss

There is another apt repository that has patched KDE that has smb 
extensions that I do not have the details to hand. (I think that it is 
amazing that anyone could consider releasing what looks like a Desktop 
distro that cannot browse samba shares!)

So only after a download of about 150Mb would I consider it usable as a 
desktop  (only a few hours on a modem ;-)

I should also mention that for the privilege of paying £150+ for the 
professional edition it is a lot of work to make it usable.

I am also now looking to start migrating servers and desktops to Debian, 
the last of many things that prodded me that way was the removal of the 
Taiwanese from the KDE apps.  I don't the pandering to oppressors.....


Have fun
Xander (RHCE - I only mention this as I would have thought it would make 
me a little more pro-RH)

> have fun,
> SteveC steve at fractalus.com http://www.fractalus.com/steve/

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