[Gllug] reduce modem volume?

Stephen Harker gllug at linux.co.uk
Mon Nov 25 14:22:46 UTC 2002

On Monday 25 November 2002 13:36, Dermot Moynihan wrote:
> Hang on, is this about how the initial 'reduce modem volume' comes under
> (and in a bit from) the 'hardware help needed' post from Alain?
> Assuming it is, I see the problem but I have no idea how it happened.
> Unless, if instead of starting a new message I had taken another message,
> which I had just read but was not replying to,  deleted the subject and the
> contents and replaced them with stuff about modem volume and then posted -
> could that cause something like this?
> I had thought they were sorted by subject. but I know nothing about these
> things.
Yes. This is what I meant.
Even though you changed the subject, the email would still have other headers 
in it that are used by the email client to figure out the threading. These 
other headers would be related to the old topic rather than a new one.
So it's best to start afresh with a new email than copy an old one and change 
the subject.
Hope this helps.

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